Sontarans!!! I love Sontarans!!! I've fixated on them on and off throughout 2024, so I wanted to make a page for them! Why do I care about Sontarans so much, you might be curious about? Well it all started when I was watching NuWho with my mom (as I always watch NuWho nowadays, aside from when the Fifteenth's episodes just came out and I watched them ahead becasue she told me she wanted to reach him chronologically) and it was January 11th (2024) when we reached The Sontaran Stratagem. Now I was also watching Classic Who alongside NuWho, but I hadn't reached the Sontarans yet, because I was only on either the First or Second Doctor at the time I reached The Sontaran Stratagem. And like anyone else, my initial reaction was "these guys look silly" and also upon what I think was my mom's discovery, "woah that's Mike from The Young Ones??" But you know how Sontarans are. Sontarans like to chant. Sontar-ha! Sontar-ha! You remember. And me? I am not a fan of chanting. So my brain was kind of in a bad mood after that. But then, (I think it was a few days later, but I didn't talk about it until April so I don't know for sure which month) a self-indulgent thought occured to me. "What if Strax liked me, and he told his squadron not to do the chant because he knows it bothers me? And I know, I know, I hear you thinking "Oh come on that is so cheesy, that would never happen." But it was definitely enough to get the ball rolling. The ball of me liking Sontarans, because of my attachment then to General Staal.

Flash forward to June 20th. Me and my mom watch A Good Man Goes To War for the first time. I see Strax for the first time. He's taking care of people. He's calling them "my boy" which is a phrase I have a strong bias to due to my heavy attachment to my favorite Doctor, the First Doctor. He's healing their wounds and telling them how much he'd like to destroy them on the field of battle, saying that as a legitimate nice sentiment. I am immediately taken with him. Now the ball is really rolling fast. Flash forward again, to August 2024. First week of August. Utter. Fixation. I cannot get enough of these guys. But not for no reason! It's actually due in part to the heavy anxiety issues I struggle with. Struggling to ask people behind the counter at the store for food by myself. Struggling to drive my car to and fro by myself. Struggling to motivate myself to eat and shower and other stuff you have to yell at yourself to do daily when you're alone often. But then you hear enough Sontaran rhetoric, you know, all "Sontarans fear nothing. Sontar-ha!" and when you really like them, it starts to get into your head, you know? This is going to sound really stupid, but as per my first example, I was actually basically larping in my mind. I had to ask the clerk for a certain food, but to make myself less anxious about it, my thought process turned it into, "Ok we are splitting up, you have to retrieve the terrarium core for the Sontar Empire and report back. They will have it at the desk, you just have to ask for it." And you know what ended up happening?? They didn't even have the food, they told me they were all out. So I ended up walking across to the entire other half of the store, by myself, getting a different food that I remembered the location of, and came all the way back. So I went even further than I initially was!! And I didn't get lost, which I am very prone to!! And I did it by myself!!! Sontar-ha! I call it "Sontaran resolve." Throughout the month of August it's greatly helped with my anxiety symptoms. Motivating myself to shower turned into "I have to maintain myself by showering, for a true Sontaran warrior must always be in peak shape for battle." Being sad from loneliness turns into "Sontarans do not require physical company, I am resilient and have a strong will for enduring my hardships." So on and so forth. Myself in these situations being an honorary Sontaran because I hang around them so much, of course. It's a really big "grab that toothbrush dattebayo" situation, if you get that reference.

So yeah that's why I have such a strong attachment to Sontarans!!! They keep me sane, basically! And as for this webpage, this page will amass all the Sontarans that I've seen into one handy dandy little resource page! I know this has already been done in a page, which is absolutely the best Sontaran resource out there, in terms of everything that I wanted to make, they already did it, but I wanted to still do something myself!!!!!!! So here are a list of all the Sontarans that I have seen.


Strax is a Sontaran who was forced to be a nurse to restore the honor of his clone batch, because Sontarans greatly value defeating others in battle, so for a Sontaran to be a healer is a great demotion. But it was a job he did well. He died in the Battle of Demon's Run, which was actually his first appearance episode, but then he was revived by Madame Vastra and Jenny Flint, and now he serves as their butler, and the three of them have formed the Paternoster Gang. There's a really good Big Finish audio series about them, where they investigate odd alien occurances in Victorian London.