• TAGS: Victorian, postcards, ficlet, selfship, short and sweet, one shot, romance, tooth-rotting fluff, no beta we die like the master

    A/N: written august 10th, 2024


    "Are you the one called Strax?"

    The Sontaran's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the delivery boy's voice.

    "Yes, I am!" Strax responded, smiling proudly.

    "A letter has arrived for you, sir." The delivery boy said, handing him an envelope.

    "Very good, boy!" Strax accepted the letter, and they parted ways. Strax immediately made his way to his friends Madame Vastra and Jenny Flint, to show them what he had received.

    "Who is it from?" Jenny wondered aloud.

    "I am not sure!" Strax said, opening the seal.

    Strax reached into the envelope and pulled out a postcard, clearly not of this time because of its sheen. Its design was an illustration of apples and apple blossoms, with text as its central focus, reading "You are the apple of my eye."

    Jenny and Madame Vastra both smiled upon seeing it, realizing this is a correspondence from Strax's lover. They both quickly identified it as a postcard.

    Strax flipped it over. The handwriting o the back of it read, "Dear Strax, Hello!! I'm in a place on Earth right now called Kentucky. There is a delightful apple orchard here that I’d absolutely love to take you to one day. The apple trees are plentiful, and you can pick them yourself, right off the trees. It's very gorgeous, and very delicious. I know you don't need to eat, but if you want to, I think you'd quite like apples. As for me, things are a little rough right now, so my mind has been drifting to you often. My knowledge of your faith in me keeps me strong. Circumstances are better than I thought they'd be, at least. But the fight has been hard. I love you dearly, my brave, handsome boy. Never forget it. Sontar-ha! —Pippin"

    Strax's heart swelled upon reading the words written to him by his beloved. "Ah...!" He cleared his throat. "Some... very sweet words from my precious rabbit." He tried to maintain his composure, but he couldn't help the blush that began to grow on his cheeks.

    Jenny giggled at the sight. Strax in love was a delight to see. Madame Vastra agreed, reassuring him by saying, "It's alright to be flustered, Strax. It's a sweet sentiment."

    Strax hugged the envelope to his chest. "Indeed it is. And I shall cherish it until my last breath!"

    "Is anything else in the envelope?" Jenny wondered.

    "Yes, I think it strange that a postcard is sent in an envelope." Madame Vastra added. "Usually it's sent by itself."

    Strax curiously peered into the envelope. Surely enough, enclosed in it was a sticker from the apple farm, as well as a small, folded paper. Strax unfolded it, and it was a small doodle Pippin did of him. It was a drawing of him smiling, with a few hearts around it. Strax smiled broadly at the sight.

    He folded it back up and put it back in the envelope, not wanting to lose it. "Well! That was an extremely pleasant surprise." He smiled, satisfied. "However, I am confused by one thing."

    "Oh?" Madame Vastra wondered. "And what is that?"

    "Why is the other text comparing me to putting apples in his eyes? Surely that must hurt!"

    Madame Vastra smiled, amused. "It's not meant to be taken literally, Strax. It's an Earth phrase. It means you are very dear to him."

    Strax's blush deepened. This whole ordeal had touched his heart so much.

    He has been with Pippin for months now, and Pippin never faltered to tell Strax how much he loved him, thought he was brave, handsome, admirable, kind, and every other sentiment, but it still took some getting used to. Both Strax and Pippin were very easy to fluster, due to neither of them being used to the kind of love and sentiment they were receiving from each other. They were constantly making each other freeze up. Madame Vastra and Jenny Flint both found it very sweet, but even moreso, very amusing.

    As soon as the current investigation of The Paternoster Gang wrapped up, Strax was sure to write his beloved back.

    A/N: based on my current trip! I'm going through some rough stuff while on this trip, and thinking about strax loving me and defending me has been a MAAAJOR saving grace. keeping me sane. genuinely. so I thought about sending him a postcard from my current location, to show my gratitude.

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